Saturday, March 28, 2009

For the Love of Wally

I wanted you all to get to know Wally and love him as I do. Here is a slideshow of pictures - and a thank you note. At the end, my youngest has taken some video of Dad at the hospital. He is still the jovial man he always has been despite his struggles. It's a touching video, and I debated whether or not to include it. But I want everyone to know what a great man he is.

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  1. Awesome! it's cool to put a name with a prayer.

    Praying for Wally's health


  2. did not see this video till this's beautiful...tears in my eyes...I know so well what you are going through so offering more prayers and virtual hugs!

    PS my word verification is "curit" wow is that a good sign? ;-)

  3. Hey, Jill, I didn't see this video until this afternoon, but it has touched me so deeply. You must be an extremely kind hearted and loving "daughter". My prayers are with Wally, you, his wife, and your family. I am deeply distressed over the medical errors that occurred. I have been a T1 for 47 of my 58 years. Medical mistakes are one of my greatest fears. I can only pray that when my time comes my family will step in, as you have, and prompt me to "keep on keeping on"! :) May God Bless You All. Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for sharing Wally with all of us. I will make sure that others are praying and seeing him as well. Love to you all in Christ's name,


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